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Winter 2018 Class Schedule

COMP_LIT 200Intro to Literary TheoryH. FeinsodMW  12:30 – 1:50pm
COMP_LIT 201Reading World Literature, “Global Spaces of the Novel”C. AbaniTTh  3:00 – 4:50pm
COMP_LIT 202-0-20Interpreting Culture, “Dante’s Divine Comedy”Christopher DavisMW  10am - 10:50am
COMP_LIT 202-0-21Interpreting Culture, “Intro to Russian 20th C Literature”Nina GourianovaTuTh  11am - 12:20pm
COMP_LIT 304-0-20Studies in Theme, “Natural Languages & Green Worlds”Tristram WolffTuTh  11am - 12:20pm
COMP_LIT 312-0-20Authors and Their Readers, “Proust” Scott DurhamTuTh  9:30am - 10:50am
COMP_LIT 312-0-21Authors and Their Readers, “Kafka: The Question of the Narrator”Sam WeberTuTh  9:30am - 10:50am
COMP_LIT 313-0-20Texts and Contexts, “Queering Medieval Romance”Barbara NewmanMWF  10am - 10:50am
COMP_LIT 411Critical Practices, “Deconstruction: Turn Toward the Absolute”Sam WeberM  2pm - 5pm
COMP_LIT 413Comparative Studies in Theme, “Sacred and Profane: Studies in Medieval Cross-over”Barbara NewmanM  2pm - 5pm
COMP_LIT 414-0-20Comparative Studies in Genre, "Writing the Revolution"Jorg KreienbrockW  2pm - 5pm
COMP_LIT 481Studies in Literary Theory, “Historicism: Uses and Abuses”Harris FeinsodTu  2pm - 5pm