Undergraduate Program News and Updates
Congratulations graduated seniors!
Tomer Cherki
Inbo Gottlieb-Fenves
Ruoxuan Liu
Madison McClellan
Samuel Rosner
Teni Akin
Isabelle Banin
Addison Downing
Suji Ro
Jeremiah Wynne
November 17, 2022 | CLS Senior Colloquium
Hosted by Maïté Marciano.
Presentations by (as pictured above): Tomer Cherki, Samuel Rosner, Madison McClellan, Rosalie Liu, and Inbo Gottlieb-Fenves. Read more about the event here.
honors and Awards 2022-2023
The following Comparative Literary Studies seniors received departmental honors for the 2022-2023 academic year. Congratulations on their academic achievements!
Honors 2022-23
- Tomer Cherki // Setting Up the Punchline: Exploring the Dark Humor of Avimelech Goes Up by a Whirlwind to the Heavens in Translation // TOMER CHERKI contextualizes his process of translating the novel Avimelech Goes Up by a Whirlwind to the Heavens from Hebrew into English through the lenses of translation theory, history, Holocaust studies, and humor studies. He will argue that the novel’s use of dark humor calls for a translation style that captures the essence of the work as temporalized by the social and historical setting of its publication.
- Inbo Gottlieb-Fenves // Striated and the Smooth // INBO GOTTLIEB-FENVES critically examines the mathematical and literary legitimacy of the fractal structures of “smooth space” presented as rigorous definitions within Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus, as well as their relation to the literary works of mathematician Felix Hausdorff, and Jorge Luis Borges’s The Library of Babel.
- Rosalie Liu // Under the Webcam: Representation of Lesbian Character and Technological Surveillance in Spider Lilies // ROSALI LIU Rosalie Liu engages with critical theories and close readings of five shots in this presentation to show how the director of Spider Lilies, Zero Chou, problematizes surveillance of the lesbian character. Chou uses complex cinematic techniques to construct and disrupt surveillance and its power on the lesbian character.
Awards 2022-23
The following Comparative Literary Studies seniors received departmental awards for the 2022-2023 academic year. Congratulations!
- Best Honors Thesis
Inbo Gottlieb-Fenves // An Elegant Hope: Towards a Literary Geometry of the Smooth // Alessia Ricciardi, Advisor - Highest Achievement in Undergraduate Research Award
Rosalie Liu // Under the Webcam: Surveillance, Voyeurism, and Tracking in Taiwanese Queer Film Spider Lilies // Corey Byrnes & Domietta Torlasco, Advisors - Translation Award
Tomer Cherki // Avimelech Goes Up by a Whirlwind to the Heavens // Rebecca Johnson, Advisor - Distinguished Senior Essay award
Samuel Rosner // Examining the Diasporic Dialectics of Samson Raphael Hirsch’s The Nineteen Letters of Ben Uziel // COMP_LIT 201-0-20: Reading World Literature, Fall Quarter 2022 // Professor Azadeh Safaien - Outstanding Achievement Award for Best Paper in a 200-level class
Bobby Yalam // Heavenly Whores: Exalting the Abject in Genet’s The Screens // COMP_LIT 202-0-20/FRENCH 277-0-20: Interpreting Culture, Winter Quarter 2023 // Professor Scott Durham - Outstanding Achievement Award for Best Paper in a 200-level class
Jacob Emmons // Animal’s People and White Disability Studies // COMP_LIT 201-0-20: Reading World Literature, Fall Quarter 2022 // Professor Azadeh Safaien - Outstanding Achievement Award for Best Paper in a 300-level class
Diana Deng // Looking While Imagining: How the World Makes Sense to Cher through Dionne in Clueless // COMP_LIT 307-0-20: Studies in Gender, Sexuality, and Representation: Romantic Comedies, Old and New, Fall Quarter 2022 // Professor Tristram Wolfe - Outstanding Achievement Award for Best Paper in a 300-level class
Madison McClellan // Counter Context: Max Aub’s Case for Time and Spacelessness // COMP_LIT 398: Senior Seminar // Professor Maïté Marciano