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Undergraduate Program News and Updates

Congratulations graduating seniors!

Comparative Literary Studies had four students graduate in 2018-2019: Jack Drumm, Sophia Lencioni, Lauren Place and Jacob Stern.

The World Literature Minor had 7 students graduate: Elizabeth Cameron, Rebecca Fudge, Gwang Han, Meiying He, Gloria Mao, Sarah McDonough, and Kelsey Robins. 

Graduating senior, Lauren Place, will be moving to New York City to start an internship with The Magnetic Collective, a branding and marketing strategy consultancy focused on qualitative research and digital ethnography with partnerships spanning around Europe, Africa, and Asia. Lauren also plans to travel and may spend some time working on an organic farm in Korea (WWOOF Korea).

senior seminar - fall 2018

Every Comparative Literary Studies major participates in the Senior Seminar during the Fall of the student's senior year. Students develop a research proposal and work closely with their faculty advisor and seminar instructor to develop their projects. The students and faculty come together at the end of the seminar to present and share their work, as well as celebrate their achievements! This year's seminar included the following presentations:

complit-newsletter-place-senior-seminar.jpgstudent presentation









student presentationstudent presentation







honors 2018-2019

The following Comparative Literary Studies seniors received departmental honors for the 2018-19 academic year. Congratulations to Sophia and Lauren on their academic achievements!

Sophia Lencioni
Thesis: "Transforming and Flinching away in Julio Cortázar’s "Axolotl" and Franz Kafka’s Die Verwandlung" | Advisor: Anna Parkinson

Lauren Place
Thesis: "Kim Ae-Ran’s Run Dad Run: Korean Realism and the Value of Translation"
Advisor: Laura Brueck

BA/MA Combined Degree Program

The Comparative Literary Studies Program offers a combined BA/MA degree path for superb undergraduate majors. The following students were accepted to Comp Lit's BA/MA program and will be working toward their joint degree in 2019-2020:

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